House Cleanliness Levels:
Your house cleanliness level increases when you are expecting guests. So if your house is normally clean – it becomes really clean, much cleaner than it is on a normal day.
1. Other states… stop calling your crab cakes, Maryland Crab Cakes. Yours are not that good. I’ve had crab cakes in a few states that were on the menu as, “Maryland Crab Cakes”. But, I live there. I know what they are supposed to taste like.
2. The big tech companies (Amazon, Apple, Google) are seriously petty. They sometimes prevent apps from running on each others’ platforms, and sometimes they will team up to fight the others.
3. Hunters: I’ll only be impressed by a picture of you badly bruised from a fight – that resulted in you killing the animal with your bare hands
4. If Siri, Google, and Alexa ever compare notes, mankind is in trouble. They are all collecting and analyzing data on us.
5. House cleanliness levels… there’s clean and somebody-is-coming-over clean. When you are having a function or expecting visitors, your house is a lot cleaner than usual. Some even hire a maid service to do it.
6. Regardless of the fake charity the kids tell you about.. Why would you want to buy dollar store crap outside of a CVS? #locationlocationlocation
7. Forever… that’s a mighty long time. Purple Rain is an excellent song, movie, and album.

8. Freddy Krueger walking down the street with the stretchy arms is still one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen.
9. Two wrongs still don’t make a right. In addition to being true, it’s also a very good song by Wyclef Jean and Claudia Ortiz.
10. Apparently, the Wu Tang Clan really ain’t nothing to f#&k with! I honestly wasn’t what you could consider a fan when they started. Since their resurgence – I have become one.